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How To Hire And Keep Great People
Welcome to the Course (2:13)
My Background (6:40)
High Level Management Concepts
Consistent Problems I See: Lesson 1 (5:00)
Consistent Problems I See: Lesson 2 (6:09)
Consistent Problems I See: Lesson 3 (6:07)
Your Successful Mindset (6:42)
40,000-Foot View of Management (4:46)
The Modern Workforce (3:55)
The 17-Step Hiring System
Introduction (2:14)
Phase I: Attract
Get Clear on Your WHY (2:54)
Write the Job Description (11:09)
Create the Personality Profile (2:55)
Write the Ad (8:53)
Post the Ad (3:02)
Phase II: Select
Vet the Email Responses (14:53)
Schedule Telephone Interviews (2:36)
Conduct Telephone Interviews (6:50)
Select In-Person Interview Candidates (3:27)
Conduct In-Person Interviews (7:41)
Choose Your New Hire (3:41)
Offer the Job and Close the Deal (5:18)
Phase III: Develop
On-Boarding (6:35)
The First 90 Days (3:47)
Ongoing Evaluation (3:33)
Ongoing Development (3:12)
Ongoing Development
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